By Joan Hampstead & Jason Walsh
Granny Tina Fazio got her 'stinky' underwear in a bunch yelling at the television when she saw Duchess Kate. She told her troll friends she was going to garden on Saturday. That was a lie. Tina just couldn't stay away. She is obsessed with British Royalty. She just couldn't shut up about it, even during Prince Philip's funeral. "Obsessed" may be an understatement. All the major networks mentioned and covered it. Granny Tina is delusional. She even proved herself to be the biggest hypocrite. She said she wasn't going to watch, but watched anyways. She should have listened to the two sane people who tried to reason with her about her delusions over Duchess Kate. We mean "obsession." Meanwhile this troll decided to lock their account. Another troll with no backbone. 🙄 By Joan Hampstead & Jason Walsh Granny Tina Fazio's complete meltdown captured in tweets. It's one thing to go after Duchess Kate, but the Countess of Wessex too? Scroll down to the end. Tina screaming Megs is 5 months prego, but does she realize that Megs was 7.5 months prego when she flew 10K miles to three continents in just 11 days? Love to hear the comeback on this one. 🙄 The Sun February 19, 2019 Tina Fazio on FacebookBy Joan Hampstead & Jason Walsh Tina Fazio said she wasn't interested in the Royal Family until Meghan Markle came onto the scene. But what has she done since? She is a Paralegal by day and a FULL TIME TROLL who likes to meme the Markles and make fun of Prince William, Duchess Kate and even her mother, Carole Middleton. Fazio is 50+ years. You think she would know better. Immediately, she started running with the computerized bots who multiplied themselves in order to appear more than the total sum. Since 2018, many have just disappeared due to Twitter violations. This included one @alyssa_apollonia, AKA Alyssa Trudel in Canada and @Redsolefan in eastern USA. They may have returned as other bots with different accounts, as they are well known to reproduce themselves. So during her early days in 2018, Tina joined the likes of @Mizflagpin AKA @Mrflagpin and of course @Dumielauxepices AKA @Shining_Star_77. He locked his account after he was exposed last month. Maybe he was busy creating new bots. He was listed as bot in this article. Speaking of bots, check out @SueSmit19255223 (MAY 2018) many ALIASES - AKA @Vicky38127060 (OCT 2018) AKA @HellyMatilda (SEPT 2018) AKA @mathilda_xyz (SEPT 2018) Tina (@Sparkles8675309) and Lorenzo (@Dumielauxepices AKA Shining_Star_77) appeared on several posts by Mizflagpin, joking about the Markles. Joking aside, the fake "Mr" account created by @Mizflagpin, must of had a "quickie" divorce because the account @Mrflagpin disappeared just as quickly as it was created. Twitter Suspended AccountsSUESMIT19255223 ALIASESSueSmit opened second account Sept 2018SueSmit account issues? The account is not highlightedSueSmit opened third account in Oct 2018SueSmit19255223 account closedBy Rachel Salinger Hey guys back again with another Tina pathetic-isms. LOL! 😂 Special thanks to Maury for clipping. It's a lot. Looks like 2 days worth, but could be 3 days. LOL! Wow! Imagine making fun of the way someone looks. Ugly people do that. Make fun of the way someone looks. Tina is not just ugly inside and out but she's a Fugly inside and out! One day her grand-baby can Google her and check out all the disgusting ways grand-mammy has been behaving toward people who did her NO harm. I think it's horrible how Tina behaves. She's old enough to be my mum. My mummy is a lot nicer, kinder and beautiful inside and out, unlike Tina. I don't like Meggy but I ain't gonna say anything nasty about her, like her looks. I think Meggy is beautiful. But she's a meany to her dad! I love my dad and he gave me a good life. I ain't gonna abandon him when I get to be a millionaire. Not that he would need it, but I plan on taking care of him. That's what families do for each other. Oh wait, we got more nasty things Tina did with Meggy's dad too. I will leave those bits to Jason and Joanie. 🤗 Trolls Tina👇🏽and "Juliette"☝🏽all laughing. Wow! Totally superficial. Weirdos laughing at people's looks. So pathetic! So "high school." They must be so ugly inside and out. Sad. That's why we call them FUGLIES!Tina☝🏽said she deleted a rude comment. How come she's replying to herself then?👇🏽💬Wow! The Sussex Squads are such block heads! They believe anything! Even this blockhead taskeen @quacksonspeter who got the ages totally wrong 😂 Not 51, try 49 in 2018. See Taiwan GQ👇🏽. Anyone can Google idiot! But wait...Here you go block head Tina. Try fact checking next time. Don't you love the air brushing? 😂 Now he looks his age. But heck, still looking good for 49 in 2018. See GQ Taiwan. Why do you care what Prince William look like anyways? Such a messed up granny you are!Tina Fazio "challenged" by her "Whiteness" Stop Bullying Princess Charlotte #WilliamCatherine3/24/2021
By Rachel Salinger Hey guys, Thanks for the screen grabs ALL! You guys totally rock! Thanks for all the awesome wishes. So cool to finish early. School was so amazing but glad to have the opportunity too! Now, figuring out how to avoid "Hostage Harry". He got a job LOL! Heard he's not management though, like no employees under him. That's a good thing, No one wants their employees leaving like they did the Sussexes. I heard Meggy is a terror. My sis said it was worse than anyone knows. She should know too. She's in the middle there. (First hand account too). Just wanted to bring this up. I saw this and thought I'd like to include this stupidity here, because it's definitely worth noticing, anyways. Tina thinks she knows Duchess Catherine. How does she know Duchess Catherine has a mean streak? I'm curious. Did she have a personal relationship with her? Weird. Just hot air, again. Oh Tina is just desperate. My sis knows Duchess Catherine. They went to school together. No bullwinkle like Tina. I betcha Tina is dying to know the skinny. She's such an outsider. Such a "NORM." She thinks the Daily Telegraph, the Guardian and BBC are "news." 🤣 I think Tina is challenged by her "whiteness." I spoke to Dr Gray and she said it was a phenomenon. The whites are taking up causes now for black people. But thought Meggy was WHITE? So they are making up this whole race lie to make themselves feel good. Whatever. I think Tina just lost her mind. I think Tina is a mean person, so she has to transfer this to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge AND Princess Charlotte, a little girl. You can't be a nice person if all you ONLY talk about is how a person looks. Tina also pushed the lie that Duchess Catherine was lazy when the fact is Meggy worked less days and is the lazy one. She didn't want to do the work. Typical! Tina did NO research. Just mouthy. 👇🏽LOL I remember this tweet 👇🏽So funny now that Tina just hates Duchess Catherine. No one sucked her in. She did that all on her own. I don't know what it's called in psychology, though. I was talking with Camilla and Lara and also Dr Gray and Tina has some personality disorder. I mean constant tweets trashing someone day in and day out just because of their looks is just weird. This woman spends ALL day, EVERY DAY tweeting. Like she is TOTALLY insanely obsessed. It's ALL her opinions too. NO proof. Wow! OK so this was a lie ☝🏽. This is the truth?👇🏽See below. What a weirdo! Tina, this isn't any breaking news but Princess Charlotte can speak some Spanish. It's something I don't see too much in America, people knowing a second or even third language. But Europeans can speak multiple languages. Meggy left. Duchess Catherine stayed. Who won? What a silly cow! 😂Broken👇🏽record from 2018! 😂Continues👇🏽 in 2021! 😂By Lara Jones, Guest Editor Tina "Sparkles" Fazio is at it again. Back to trashing Duchess Kate, so what else is new for this middle aged granny? She spends so much time on Twitter trashing the royals it's no wonder she has any time to do real work at the law firm. So she is calling Duchess Kate's visit to Sarah Everard memorial a "PR stunt." Like this "PR stunt" by Lady Meggy Macbeth? Narcissist "control feakery." OK, I digress. I don't care if Lady Meggy Macbeth wants to travel with her PR entourage. Goodness knows she's been doing that since Toronto. No, I'm just pointing out the obvious. Don't even understand what she means. Do you? So CBS had to create fake news story headlines to make Lady Meggy Macbeth's racism appear more credible. LOL! Guess they didn't believe her either. So much so they had to invent it. Tina "Sparkles" Fazio thinks Prince Andrew gets security? Tina must be Google illiterate like "I didn't Google my husband" Lady Meggy Macbeth. Yep, I used Google and guess what Tina? Prince Andrew's security is gone. Yep, just one click. BAM! There it was. RACE HUSTLER ALERT!!!!Sure they are...😂No Awam, you are the farce! 🤣This ain't you!This is YOU!This is YOU!You AGAIN!By Camilla Beckman LMAO. Look at this fool. I ain't gone anywhere. But looks like Twitter got ya ass! Wrongful suspension AF. Saw y'all a bit light on the trolling! Twitter suspensions coz y'all haters. Like ya pal Tina, we know ya dopey. Hiding behind dopey ain't gonna save ya! 🐷🤣 Y'all know my dad cause he said wait long enough and they all coming out of the wood work. So we did. I ain't gonna lie and say it wasn't fun playing with these fools coz it was. It was creepy seeing these trolls duplicating themselves. Like setting up fake Twitter accounts then following each other, talking to each other. Totally talking to themselves! Creepy! The #Sussex Squad bots are AF! You seen those posts. We got the Royalist-Squad back together now so y'all new to this will get to see them all in the next couple months. God save Queen Elizabeth II! Oh yeah, we got another sponsor! So amazing to get an office! Beats the kitchen table. Like we told y'all, #Sussex Squad are AF. Seriously AF! Dragging and doxing ain't just what they do. They racist too! 2018👇🏽 So they saying Megxit's dad's a racist? Backwards AF. Y'all stupid! Got yah Twitter violations to add to yah wall! Yup next to dat buck y'all killed! Sickos! 🤣 Ok ok, so here's what we got. Y'all know Sparkles right? You know she had a "hard on" for me. Creepy obsessive. Don't get the chick. One minute she's like I like Megxit and Kate, then she tweets this shit. I'm putting the whole shit up so y'all can see this sicko.👇🏽 Yah man you have to be a real shitty person to get Twitter to notice yah ass! 🤣 Then Sparkly chick thinks she got one on me. Guessing who the f*ck I am. Like I said, "hard on" Hey hey, WTF do ya know it's Tina Fazio! She looked way much younger on her employer's profile page because this dopey admitted she's over 50 and that be in 2018! She's also a grandmother! Y'all remember the time Tina and her goons landed Sadie in the hospital. Oh yah. Tina called her psychotic. They be all laughing. Check it 👇🏽 Oh yah and Tina's THE BIG O buddy is a DUDE! I told ya he was hiding. Shiningstar77. Ain't he a peach!👇🏽
by Rachel Salinger
phone call, the Henryscousin account also used by Trin accused the Royal Family of being “nasty, pedophilic, racist”. Other posts over the past year made sick jokes about Kate being an “anorexic wrinkly hoe”, a “corner plant” and repeatedly called her “Karen”. The account — part of the pro-Harry and Meghan online fanbase dubbed the #SussexSquad — also spoke of an “ugly horse face b***h” who was said to be “just bitter she still lives in a dead woman’s shadow”. The revelations come just days after Prince Harry warned that social media was stoking a “crisis of hate” and called for online communities to be “defined by compassion”. Read more in The Sun Dani Trin's old account (below) was used to troll and spread hate messages against Duchess Kate and Prince William, among others. She also owned Henryscousin and the only user of that account since a group tweet was never set up. Both accounts mysteriously don't exist now.
What's so funny is Dani thinks Duchess Kate did nothing before she married Prince William. Dani doesn't come from our world, so she makes stuff up and believes her own lies. Unlike Lady Meggy Macbeth, we don't announce our "charity" work LOL! We just "get on with it" as mum would say. We also don't collab for photogs. Maybe that's what D-list actors do to get a bit of publicity, when they are desperate. LOL! That's too crass! We also don't make an announcement when we walk into a room and Narc cling to our man in public. That's just obscene! No class! Is Dani really from Portugal or Brazil? Portuguese must come in handy! Is Dani a "medical professional" who can make a diagnosis of glossophobia? We have two accredited psychologists on staff if Dani is in need of mental help because Dani is too busy trying to keep up with multiple personalities. What will she be next? LOL!
One account with the second highest number of pro-Meghan followers, which also tweets about US politics from a pro-Democratic perspective, appears to indicate "bot-like activity" while the fourth most shared account frequently tweets from Russia Today and has questioned Sergei Skripal's near-fatal Novichok poisoning, reports Telegraph UK.
The StaffCamilla Beckman The Fuglies