By Camilla Beckman, Joan Hampstead & Jason Walsh Christopher Dopey Bouzy train wreck! Oops 💩OMG! We all rolling here laughing like hyenas y'all! Christopher Bouzy is dumber than f*ck! Poor Newsweek Jack Royston believing this sh*t. Dang! That journo got no game. Losing his touch coz Bouzy is puffing smoke up his. Y'all know what we mean. Guess this dopey don't know dat you can sign up to Twitter with Gmail account. 👇🏽 Christopher Dopey Bouzy thinks Gmail accounts are fake and his fake Sussex Bot accounts are real. 🤣SIGNED IN WITH GMAIL. YEA DOPEY, GMAIL ASSIGNS LETTERS! 👇🏽 SIGNED IN WITH GMAIL! YEA DOPEY GMAIL ASSIGNS LETTERS! 👇🏽 HEY CHRISTOPHER DOPEY BOUZY, HERE ARE THE REAL MEGBOTS. ALL THIS DEFLECTION AIN'T GONNA HELP YA SORRY ONE-MAN COMPANY, WITH NO OFFICES. YOU FOOLED JACK ROYSTON ALL RIGHT.
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