By Joan Hampstead, Jason Walsh, Rachel Salinger & Amanda Bidwell Congratulations to TAZ who beat Bouzy by 102!Christopher Bouzy helped TAZ reach a milestone! Congratulations to TAZ! We told you the Squadie Trolls had a hit list. We don't know anything about Bot Sentinel, but Christopher Bouzy failed on Youtube. He probably has experience creating bots since he claims to have been coding since he was 9 years old. He tried to terminate Youtubers he didn't like, because boo hoo hoo 🤣 they were telling the truth about Harry's wife. Well, he failed. He should take care of his business and personal finances or he could end up like his buddy Omid Scabies. Google knows Bouzy's full of sh*tThe Squadie Trolls and "No one of importance" Bouzy are losing the public opinion battle. That's because back seat Harry and his wife don't matter to the British public -- anymore. All his effort to ban accounts and close them down failed because Youtube is smarter than Bouzy. Google is much more sophisticated than Bouzy and Bot Sentinel. Who do you think owns Youtube? Google knows Bouzy is full of sh*t. Here's the truth about Bouzy - He's a troll!Bouzy failed on Youtube because Google knew he was also trolling on Twitter and on the internet! Bouzy made derogatory comments about the way The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge looked. Bouzy is a RACIST judging skin color and aesthetics and not the content of someone's character. He even compared himself to Prince Williams. What a hypocrite! It comes as no surprise why Christopher Bouzy is a loser. He blames others of trolling and being a troll, but he should have looked closer to home. He should have looked in the mirror and saw his own reflection staring back at him. Bouzy is the troll. Where have we seen this juvenile display? Oh Yes, Tina Fazio! These Squadies are so obsessed with the royals. It's down right creepy! Updated Dopey Christopher Bouzy NonsenseComments are closed.
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